What’s The Same And Different Between An AED In a Hospital And One In Public?

Defibrillators are split into two groups, AED hospital and AED public, based on their intended purpose. Today, let’s take Mindray AED for instance to discuss the similarities and variations between AED devices and important considerations while utilizing an AED.
Medical defibrillators need careful handling and are often administered by medical personnel.
Not only will it be hard to operate a medical defibrillator if you do not know how to use it, but injuries and risks will also arise. Since defibrillation is to discharge, the procedure also generates heat.
Not only will it not defibrillate if the procedure is incorrect, but it can also cause skin burns and potentially electrocute onlookers. From this, there are lessons to be learned.
In medicine, it is common for a patient to have a cardiac arrest in the CT room and be instantly resuscitated with cardiac compressions by the surrounding physician. After the emergency physician arrives at the scene with the defibrillator, the electrode plate is covered with conductive paste and put on the chest wall. The physician is about to defibrillate when the ECG monitor reveals that the heart has resumed normal function and defibrillation is halted. This is because there are several causes of sudden cardiac arrest, and not all need defibrillation. If a non-healthcare professional lacks expertise in using an AED, defibrillation may do the patient more injury.
For this reason, public emergency services must provide AEDs in public locations that are fully supplied with operation instructions and may be used by regular citizens. In addition, Mindray is a market leader, and a visit to its website will supply you with further details about its superior goods.