
5 tips to make your kids love homework

When it’s time to do homework, is your child running to the desk doing homework or making excuses to hold back when doing homework? Sluggish or is there always something else that catches my child’s attention? In my house, telling my elementary son to go and do his homework is like setting off a war. He gets frustrated and tries to avoid having to reach the homework desk as much as possible. His physical expression immediately turned into a wither. (And said he was tired even in the morning Which he has slept for more than 10 hours), or he may just remember that there is something more important to do, such as going to the shower, going to lunch (say, I am hungry or thirsty).

The following signs indicate that your child is lazy doing homework:

  1. Spend 2 hours doing homework that takes just 15 minutes.
  2. Obtaining low grades despite attending study and preparing for exams
  3. Show poor posture when talking about homework, such as sighing, collapsing, wrinkled eyebrows.

While homework is going to pass quickly for some children. But for many children, they think that doing homework is a heavy burden, so how can we as parents take advantage of this situation?

Parents and children often view homework benefits from different angles. Most parents will focus on the results that their child will have when he or she is doing homework. Our objective is to get the children done and then take their homework to the teacher.

But for children, It was like a job that they had to complete. And it becomes a burden, and it’s “ not fun” at all. Children will think that their parents are the source of stress or the fun killer in life when they have to do homework. This is why essay writer who helps in writing essay, came into existence.

Likewise, children in primary school age are often very frustrated and I hate having to sit and soak for a long time to do homework. When this is the case, we should offer your child a fun way to do homework and allow him to move.

You often cannot teach your child because the child will think that you are the parent. That is the psychological barrier that children have. Here are some tips to help guide your child during their homework assignments.

  1. Offer help as a parent
  • Sit next to the children and help them with their homework (just help, not do homework for them)
  • No Practice
  • Don’t expect or force your child to complete homework
  1. Encourage children to build confidence
  • “Almost finished son” or “ Not so much left”
  • “The handwriting is so beautiful”
  1. Understand your child
  • Set time for him
  • Understand that children have more hyperactivity than adults. Which is approximately 15 minutes per interval
  • The duration should be gradually increased by 5 minutes.
  1. Have patience
  • Review the skills they have just learned. (So as not to make the child get bored of having to do the same thing again or learn what he already knows because he’ll become bored or frustrated.)
  • Use homework as an assessment of your child’s learning comprehension level.
  • Help your child understand concepts for subjects such as grammar or mathematics. Or other matters of similar nature
  1. Motivate
  • Use psychology on your child if applicable. By encouraging your child to ask you instead.
  • Reward your child with an appreciation
  • Ask a question.
  • Play a little fun, “Let’s Race”, see who gets the better answer” or “Who will add these numbers faster?”

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